Preparing your auto insurance quote request

Whether you’re asking for a quick quote online or making a request by phone, to obtain a quote for automobile insurance, you need to provide several pieces of information. To help you prepare, and make sure you have everything within reach, here is a list of the things insurers normally want to know. You won’t waste any time, and you’ll get your price right away!
Information needed for an auto Insurance request
Information about the vehicle
- Make, model and year
- Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
- Number of kilometres driven per year
- Number of kilometres driven commuting to and from work
- Anti-theft, starter-kill or geolocation system installed?
Information about the drivers
- Date of birth
- Driver’s licence number
- Age when licence was first issued
- Address
- Marital status (married, de facto spouse, single)
- Claims history
- Highway Safety Code infractions
Read on to learn why insurers need to know this information.
Information about the vehicle

Make, model and year
The insurer needs to know what vehicle they will be covering, of course. For example, certain models are more frequent targets of car thieves.
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
The VIN is your vehicle’s serial number. It’s a long combination of letters and numbers (around 17). Using this data, the insurer can access the vehicle’s history, and find out whether any insurance claims have been made (by you or a previous owner). You can find the number, among other places, on the vehicle registration certificate.
Number of kilometres driven per year
The number of kilometres driven is an important factor in the calculation of your premium: the less you drive, the less you’ll pay! According to insurers, a difference of just 1,000 km can have an impact on the premium amount. That's why it’s important to provide an accurate estimate of the distance you’ll drive over the next 12 months.
Number of kilometres driven commuting to and from work
Exactly what use you make of your car is taken into account by the insurer. If you drive your car to and from work every day, your accident risk increases, and your insurance premium will be calculated accordingly. If you are using your car for commercial purposes, it is very important to notify your insurer.
Anti-theft, starter-kill or geolocation system installed?
If you have had this kind of system installed, the risk of your vehicle being stolen (and, in turn, you making a claim) is lower. The insurer may in turn quote you a lower premium.
Generally speaking, etching of the VIN on windows and other components is effective in preventing the theft of parts of your vehicle, but not particularly useful if your car is stolen and sent to another country for resale. Insurers therefore look for combinations of different systems that make a vehicle more difficult to steal. With some luxury models, a geolocation system is a must (the insurer may offer you a discount on installation).
Looking for other ways to save on your auto insurance premium? We have suggestions!
Information about the drivers
Date of birth
The date of birth simply serves to validate the identity of the insureds.
Driver’s licence number
The driver’s licence number allows the insurance agent to access the applicant’s driving record. You’ll need to provide this information for everyone who will be driving the vehicle.
Age when licence was first issued
Experience matters to an insurer! Generally speaking, the more driving experience you have, the lower your premium will be.
Your address tells the insurer where the vehicle will be mainly used, and where it will be parked most often.
Marital status (married, de facto spouse, single)
In Quebec, living under the same roof. Why? Because they can increase the risk that the insurer takes on in agreeing to cover a vehicle. So, even if one partner owns the vehicle and drives it most often, they must freely provide their spouse’s name and personal information.
Claims history
You must provide the list of all prior claims (e.g., accident, theft, vandalism) made for the vehicle in question, whether filed by you or other drivers. Don’t try to cover up an accident: the agent will do a search in the Fichier central des sinistres automobiles (the provincial automobile claims database) to check your statements. The insurer uses this information to calculate what risk you represent.
Highway Safety Code infractions
Have you ever had your licence suspended? Has your daughter been issued a speeding ticket while driving your car? You’re better off volunteering this information to the insurer rather than waiting for them to learn it when they access your file at the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec. One way or another, they’ll find out.
Compare auto insurance quotes
Once you’ve answered the insurer’s questions, your work isn’t done yet! To be able to properly compare the quotes you get from different insurers, here are two things to check:
Make sure you’re offered the same coverage and the same deductible amounts in all of the quotes.
Compare the prices per year, net of taxes.
You can even use this handy auto insurance quote comparator tool (in French) from the auto No-Stress® Policy from CAA-Quebec.
Auto insurance quote comparator tool
Good to know
Do services that promise “instant” auto insurance quotes really save you time? You should know that the price you’ll be quoted is based on your answers to ten or so questions along with the insurer’s assumptions as to what coverage and deductible amounts you might choose. For a precise, personalized quote, you need to talk to an agent who’ll ask complementary questions. If you opt to buy your insurance online, you’ll be asked further questions before you can complete the purchase.

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