
Due to weather conditions, we are receiving more calls for service than usual. We are working hard to ensure that every member is well served. To request Roadside Assistance, you can also submit a request online or via the CAA Mobile app. Make sure your app is up to date.

Mobility for seniors


Driving is demanding—that’s why it’s important to stay physically and mentally sharp. This is especially true for seniors who are coping with the effects of aging.

The CAA-Quebec Foundation provides support for seniors to keep them on the road as long as possible and equips them to maintain their mobility and independence when the time comes to hang up their keys.

Tools to help senior drivers (in French only)

Are you increasingly stressed about driving, but even more so about hanging up your keys? 

CAA-Quebec and its Foundation for Road Safety, in collaboration with the Association québécoise des retraité(e)s des secteurs public et parapublic (AQRP), are providing older people with tools that will help them achieve a different kind of mobility. Discover our video about alternatives to the car, such as electric bicycles, motorized mobility aids—electric wheelchairs or three-wheel and four-wheel scooters—, along with the safest ways to use them.


What are the effects of aging on driving? How do you know if you’re still fit to drive? What are the alternatives? The CAA-Quebec Foundation’s road safety experts answer these questions and more in the guide Good Driving Never Gets Old. Tips, recommendations, resources, and advice are just a few clicks away.

Activities for senior drivers

To keep senior drivers behind the wheel under safe conditions for as long as possible, the Foundation proposes a number of group activities aimed at raising awareness among these drivers and their loved ones.

  • Free activity lasting 2hrs30
  • Presentation and quizzes
  • Discussions on road safety and aging
  • But also on autonomy and mobility!
  • Activity lasting 5–6hrs 
  • Good Driving Never Gets Old presentation 
  • Driving simulator session 
  • CarFit clinic (driving position adjustment and child car seat installation) 
  • Mirror adjustment clinic

Book one of these activities

Tools to help senior drivers

Video about auto insurance

Get tips from our Vice President of Insurance on how to reduce the risk of accidents. It could help you save money on your auto insurance.

How to Help an Older Driver booklet

A ready reference for helping older drivers deal with the effects of aging on driving.

Read guide

Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) Portal

A must-have information kit for senior drivers and their loved ones. It covers topics such as the changes associated with aging, renewing your driver’s licence, the effects of medication on driving, the proper way to maintain your driving skills, and much more!
