Flooding and water damage: Better safe than sorry!

Published on April 15, 2019
3 mins reading time

Every year, many persons have to deal with the havoc wreaked by Mother Nature. Flooding and water infiltration can result in serious damage to your home. Here are some tips for protecting your property and responding effectively if bad luck comes knocking.

How to protect your home

To avoid problems, it’s best to remove any snow that has accumulated around your home. That way it will melt further away from your home, significantly reducing the risk of infiltration. You should also avoid letting ice and snow accumulate on your roof, balconies, and above-ground pool. If you aren’t sure how to proceed with snow removal or de-icing, hire a professional to get the job done right!


The most effective measures for preventing basement flooding should have been taken the previous fall! For example:

  • Properly clean and connect gutters to prevent rainwater infiltration.
  •  Caulk basement windows and install window wells if they are less than 20cm from the ground.
  • Inspect basement walls for cracks or efflorescence. Fixing any problems could require a contractor.
  • Make sure the French drain and catch basin that drain excess water are functioning properly. Also check the flap gate on your check valve. It needs to be cleaned to do its job properly.

What to do in case of flooding or water damage

Make sure your home is safe before taking any action.

If you have water damage, hire a plumber and close your home’s main water shutoff valve. Contact your insurance company as soon as possible to start the claim process.

Then you’ll need a professional cleaning. Dry all the surfaces you can. Use fans and dehumidifiers and get a vacuum specifically designed for water. Wet cushions and chairs will dry more evenly if they are leaned up vertically against a wall.

To avoid making things worse, put wood or Styrofoam blocks under your furniture or move it into a room that hasn’t been affected by the flooding. Take pictures of the damage and make a list of affected items.

If the water damage is caused by a defect, keep the faulty parts or pipes. Your insurance company may ask for them.


Is it covered by home insurance?

Many people falsely believe their home is covered against flooding. Home insurance policies may provide coverage for various types of water damage to homes, even when it’s caused by an overflowing body of water.

But when the cause of water damage is inside the home (like a forgotten faucet or a defective pipe), the damage is automatically covered under most basic home insurance policies..

If you have reason to believe that your home could be damaged by an external source, like a sewer backup or rainwater infiltration, it’s better to add additional coverage to your policy. Playing it safe is often the best option. An accurate inventory of your property with photographs and proof of purchase is very useful in the event of a claim. It’s best to keep such important documents outside your home.