
Published on June 14, 2018
3 mins reading time
Since cockroaches avoid light, seeing them during the day is an indicator that their population has really become significant. Find out more about them and how to get rid of them.

Cockroach behaviour

Roach, palmetto bug, cucaracha – cockroaches are known by various names. There exist more than 3,500 species, and they are found on every continent. The German cockroach is the most common variety. It is brown with an oval-shaped body, and typically about 1.5 cm (1/2 in) long. Its head is very mobile and sports two long, flexible antennae. Despite their creepy appearance, cockroaches do not sting or bite. Often seen in troupes, cockroaches secrete a pheromone (a fragrant chemical) that helps them form groups and work together. They also reproduce quickly.

Cockroaches feed on table scraps, among other things, and are particularly fond of foods rich in sugar and starch. This is one reason they are often found in kitchens. Since they seek warmth and moisture, they are also found in bathrooms, basements and pipes. Their presence does not necessarily mean that the premises are unclean.

Are cockroaches useful or bothersome?


  • In nature, cockroaches are important decomposers, contributing to rapid recycling of organic matter, They even feed on dead, decaying animals.


  • When cockroaches visit kitchens, as they often do, they soil foods, producing an unpleasant odour and taste.
  • Because cockroaches spend so much time in garbage and sewers, they can transmit disease.
  • People can be allergic to cockroaches and, for some, proximity to these insects triggers asthma attacks.

Tips for keeping cockroaches away from your home

  • Before bringing furniture, empty bottles or boxes into your home, inspect them. They may be harbouring insects and/or eggs.
  • Lay fine-mesh screens across air-duct, pipe and drain openings in your home to limit entry points.

  • Seal cracks and gaps around pipes to reduce the number of hiding places available.

  • Keep food in sealed containers rather than in paper or cardboard they can dig into.

  • Clean spills and other food residue from stoves and other appliances on a regular basis. Do not leave food or food waste on countertops, in sink drains, etc.

  • Vacuum often to rid the house of food particles as well as cockroach eggs.

  • Put garbage in sealed plastic bags.

  • Make sure the bathroom is well ventilated, and dry out damp areas.

  • If you don’t wash the dishes right away, at least make sure to soak them in soapy water, especially at night.

A free buffet for cockroaches?

Pets’ food and water bowls are also attractive to cockroaches, and so they shouldn’t be left out all day long.

How to get rid of cockroaches?

  • If furniture, toys or other items seem to be infested, steam-clean them or use a shop vacuum with a fine-particle filter (0.3 micron) to prevent airborne cockroach-related allergens.
  • Another option is to freeze infested items at minus 8°C (+17.6°F) for at least 24 hours, first putting them in a sealed bag.

  • Set glue traps to pinpoint where cockroaches are living.

  • If all else fails, use pesticides containing pyrethrins, boric acid or diatomaceous earth. After treatment, set the traps again to check if any cockroaches remain.

  • In the event of a full-blown infestation, it is best to call in a pest management expert who holds a permit from the Quebec Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change

To learn more about cockroaches



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