Gutters: A cleaning and maintenance guide

Gutters play a key role in protecting your home from water infiltration. Yet they need to be in good condition and kept clear of leaves and debris. Here’s our advice on how to ensure their effectiveness.
Gutter cleaning in simple steps
The two best times to clean your gutters are in spring, after buds and fruits have fallen, and in fall, after the leaves have fallen. You’ll need gloves, a ladder, a gutter scoop (a plastic spatula will do), a brush, and a garden hose. Here are the steps to follow:
Detach pipes from drains: remove the bottom section of each downspout connected to an underground drain to prevent debris build-up.
Remove all debris: use your scoop or spatula to remove leaves, twigs, pine needles, etc. Tip: Pour éviter que ces débris ne tombent dans les tuyaux d’évacuation, amassez-les à partir de la jonction des tuyaux et avancez progressivement vers l’extérieur.
Clean up with water: place your garden hose at the opposite end of the downpipe and rinse the gutter to flush out any remaining dirt. Make sure the water flows properly through the downpipes. Tip: Simulate a rain effect by hosing down your roof to ensure that the water flows properly into the gutter and not behind it.
Clear clogs: if a clog of debris has built up in your pipe, use a sewer rod or electric drain snake to clear it. Can’t get it out? Dismantle the pipe to unclog it.
Clean the gutter exterior: clean away black streaks caused by roof dirt, dust and tar. Finding the maintenance of your gutters too tedious? Many gutter manufacturers also offer cleaning services. Another solution is to install aluminum gutter guards with mesh screens that prevent the build-up of leaves and debris without blocking the flow of water.
Gutter inspection
While you’re cleaning, take the opportunity to inspect your gutters for any potential issues.
Look for leaks at joints
Make sure the gutter line is perfectly straight
Ensure that the foundation drain is not clogged. If it is, refer to our guide Drains and Foundations: Prevention or repair?
Good to know: an emergency inspection is called for as soon as a gutter overflows in order to prevent leaks through the edge of the roof.
Solutions to improve the efficiency of your gutters during summer
Here are two solutions to keep your gutters working properly in summer:
1-Connect the gutter to a percolation well by means of an underground pipe: also known as a dry well or cesspool, a percolation well is a pit filled with stone, then covered with a geotextile membrane, and finally with soil and grass.
2-Keep water away from the foundation: instead, redirect water to a hedge, flowerbed, or rain-collecting barrel.
Does your home insurance cover damage to your home caused by improperly functioning gutters?
Incremental damage caused by water infiltration or repeated overflows (including damage caused by poorly maintained gutters) is not usually covered by home insurance.
For instance, if your gutters are improperly installed or defective, and this leads in turn to mould damage to your interior walls, you won’t be entitled to compensation. Corrective replacement work will be at your expense.
Repair gutters to prevent leaks and collapse
The most common cause of gutter leaks and warping is the formation of ice inside the gutters. Here’s how to repair them:
Leaks at gutter joints
Replace the sealant. Tip: for a better grip, scrape the inside of the gutter and sand the metal.
Loose gutter
Replace the nails or screws to restore the attachment. Tip: if the problem stems from a rotten section of wood, locate the end of a rafter and drive the fastener into it.
Burst downpipe
Replace broken section. Tip: add a detachable segment to the base for easier maintenance in winter.