Home air quality: 7 tips

Published on September 19, 2019
3 mins reading time

Pollutants from dust, mould, materials, and household products can have an impact on the air quality in your home. Follow these seven tips to clear the air.

1. Control the humidity

Too much humidity can be conducive to mites, mould, and bacteria. You can reduce moisture by running the range hood, turning on the bathroom fan, drying out any water damage, and hanging your laundry outside to dry instead of inside. You can also use a dehumidifier if needed. Want to bring in an expert to analyze your home’s air quality? One of our approved suppliers can analyze your home and make recommendations. 

2. Air things out

If you have a central ventilation system (air exchanger), turn it on. Check out our mini maintenance guide to make your air exchanger work more efficiently. No central ventilation system? Open the windows in every room for 15 minutes every day—ideally first thing in the morning, in the evening, or at night, when pollution levels are lower. But turn your air exchanger off and keep the windows closed when there’s smog or when the outdoor humidity level is very high (more than 65% relative humidity).

3. Choose materials wisely

Taking advantage of the warm weather to renovate or redecorate your home? Be sure to choose products like paints, solvents, glues, varnishes, adhesives, construction materials, furniture, and floor coverings that are low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and preferably EcoLogo certified. If the renovations include demolition, find out if there are any potential sources of asbestos in your home (e.g., plaster walls). Work outside whenever possible to minimize dust inside.

4. Maintain your systems

All kinds of dust and debris collect in ducts over the years and contaminate the air. To reduce indoor pollutants, regularly change or clean your air conditioner filter and empty any standing water. Read our tips and tricks on maintaining your air conditioner. You should also have a professional clean your ventilation ducts (e.g., heating system, heat pump, air conditioner) every five to ten years.


5. Keep a clean house

Stay on top of dust, allergens, and contaminants by using a vacuum with a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter. Unlike conventional air filters, HEPA filters trap almost all pollutants and particles. You should also dust regularly using a damp cloth. Having doormats at your doors will keep outside contaminants (e.g., dust, chemical products, mould found in soil and grass) from coming inside on people’s shoes. Household cleaning products release harmful substances, so you should use EcoLogo certified products whenever possible. Our Healthy-Home Guide has more tips to make your home a healthier place.

6. Test for radon

Radon is a colourless, odourless gas that can enter your home without you knowing it and even eventually cause lung cancer. Install a radon detector to determine if there is radon in your home. To obtain an accurate measurement, testing must be performed over at least a three-month period. A certified laboratory will then analyze the results. 

7. Avoid home fragrances

According to Solange Lévesque, scented candles, sprays, plug-ins, and other products designed to mask odours or refresh, purify, or perfume the air actually reduce the quality of indoor air. Most contain toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs), prolonged exposure to which may cause migraines, respiratory problems, and even cancer. Don’t take any chances. Tackle unpleasant odours at the source, and air out your home or use a mechanical ventilation system.

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