8 good reasons to get your car inspected

Published on July 3, 2019
3 mins reading time

The best way to ensure worry-free driving is to get your vehicle checked regularly by an expert. Here are eight great reasons to stop by a Vehicle Inspection Centre sooner rather than later.

1) To learn more about your vehicle’s history

A proper inspection includes a battery of tests that can help you find out if your vehicle has ever been in an accident or repainted. “We even measure the thickness of the paint with a special device,” says Sylvain Légaré, an automotive research analyst at CAA-Quebec.

2) To get a potential purchase checked out

Think you’ve found the one—the used car to make your own? Before you head to the bank, make sure you research the model and get the car inspected by a professional who can validate the seller’s claims and identify any major issues. “If you know what condition the vehicle is in, you can tell if you’re making a good decision BEFORE you buy. You’ll also have more bargaining power,” explains Jacques Maheux, director of CAA-Quebec Approved Auto Repair Services.

3) To do an annual check-up

An annual vehicle inspection is the best way to prevent problems from arising. “When you choose a CAA-Quebec Vehicle Inspection Centre, you know you’ll get an unbiased opinion from the shop,” says Légaré. There’s no reason why you can’t go to your usual mechanic for the necessary repairs.


4) To prepare for the end of your warranty

Is your vehicle’s extended warranty close to expiring? This is the perfect time for a thorough mechanical inspection. By identifying nascent problems, you’ll have a record of prior deficiencies if something breaks after your warranty period ends. An oil leak, for example, may first present as minor seepage.

5) To travel worry-free and avoid breakdowns

Before you head out on a long drive, make sure your car is all tuned up! Stop by a CAA-Quebec Vehicle Inspection Centre for a quick check to help you avoid any mechanical failures on your trip. No one wants to lose a vacation day trying to find a mechanic in a strange place.

6) To get a second opinion

Not sure about the quality of the repairs from your local shop? Stop by a CAA-Quebec authorized Vehicle Inspection Centre to get the opinion of a certified professional. Specific checks will be billed at the hourly rate.  . 

7) To return a rental vehicle in good condition

If your car rental contract is almost up, it’s time for a mechanical inspection. The Maxi Route inspection covers more than 180 points. When you choose this option you can be sure you’re returning the vehicle in good condition and avoiding excessive fees the dealer may be tempted to bill you for worn brakes or body dents.

8) To provide transparency when selling your car

Looking to sell your car without a hassle? Get it inspected before posting your ad. That way you can set a fair price and show interested buyers the full report on your vehicle’s “health.” Plus CAA-Quebec authorized Vehicle Inspection Centres have a reputation that buyers trust.