Winter RV storage

Published on November 9, 2020
4 mins reading time

First winter owning a recreational vehicle? Usually head to a sunny destination, but not this year? Here are a few tips to get your RV ready for winter and make sure it's in good condition come spring, so that you can enjoy the camping season next year.

Indoor RV storage

Many specialized companies offer winter storage for all types of recreational vehicles: RVs (motorhomes), fifth wheels, trailers, pop-up campers. You can also rent a warehouse, use your neighbour's garage or your cousin’s barn. The space can be heated or not, but should be well ventilated and not too humid.

Outdoor winter RV storage

Own or have access to a large plot of land, parking lot, or even a field? You can surely park your RV there for the winter. For small recreational vehicles (including trailers and pop-up campers), a temporary shelter, like the ones used for cars, will do.

For bigger ones, you’ll need to get large tarps from the hardware store. Careful though, don’t wrap up your RV like a baked potato! Place a large tarp under your vehicle and another over it to let the air circulate freely and avoid condensation. Tarps reduce the risk of water getting in and make it easier to remove snow, which you’ll need to do once about 30 cm (one foot) has accumulated. You can also install height-adjustable posts inside your RV to strengthen the ceiling.


Preparing your RV for winter

Some businesses offer a winter RV preparation service, but you can also do this yourself (see the recommendations in your owner’s manual). Here’s an overview of the steps, which are similar for trailers or fifth wheels with the same equipment:

  • Clean the inside of the vehicle, going into every nook and cranny.
  • Remove any food from the cupboards and empty the trash.
  • Replace sealants and gaskets if necessary.
  • Empty and purge all the tanks and pipes (shower, dishwasher, washing machine, sink, water heater, etc.) and add non-toxic RV antifreeze. Don’t forget the drains!
  • Put repellents and traps indoors and outdoors for rodents and other pests. Don’t block entrances and exits to and from the vehicle as it could cause mold.
  • Turn off the electricity and propane supply and store all batteries in a dry place indoors.
  • Close the blinds to avoid big changes in temperature and store pillows, curtains, and other removable material inside the house.
  • Prop open all doors, including the fridge and freezer.

Have questions? CAA-Quebec’s Mobility Advisory Services can help you out.

Winterizing a motor vehicle

You have to take care of your motor vehicle mechanics, just like any other vehicle:

  • Change the oil.
  • Pump the tires as recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Elevate your vehicle and place it on blocks.

Your RV should make it through the winter if it has been properly prepared and kept clear of snow. Taking the necessary precautions will have a direct impact on your vehicle’s operation and safety—but not least of all its resale value.

Insurance coverage


Many insurance, including CAA-Quebec RV insurance, do not offer credit for when the vehicle is stored because the cost of insurance already assumes that the vehicle will not be in use for a while. That way, the owner is not limited to a certain timeframe for storage, plus they are insured for the entire year with collision or upset insurance, which covers:

  • Falling object hitting your RV (large branch or tree)
  • Flood
  • Fire
  • Theft
  • Vandalism

If your insurer lets you pause your payments while your vehicle is in storage, make sure you don’t move it—and be sure to resume insurance payments once it’s back on the road.

For extra coverage, make sure you have your CAA-Quebec membership card and the RV option ,which entitles you Roadside Assistance tailored to your vehicle.

Did you know?

Storage can mean more than one thing. It could mean putting it in a shelter, in a warehouse, or elsewhere. But it could also mean that you suspend the registration payments for your vehicle for a time. This could be a good way to save money. Of course, you will need to restart your payments in spring! Note that this is not an option if you own a trailer or pop-up trailer; registration for these is a one-time payment.