Renovation: Contract and guarantee

Published on April 2, 2013
3 mins reading time

Construction, renovations, maintenance—spending on housing never seems to end. In such a context, we naturally want to get our money's worth, which is why a solid contract with clear warranties is so important.

Otherwise, it takes time to shop around. CAA-Quebec members have it good: they can contact CAA Habitation, where advisory councellors will locate the appropriate resource. What else must be taken into consideration? Guarantees, and a few other details.

The law
First of all, we should mention that Quebec’s Civil Code stipulates that for a period of a year, a contractor is responsible for all “existing defective work” disputed upon completion of the work or detected in the year following completion. Furthermore, he is responsible for five years for any losses resulting from a construction defect. In the case of new homes, the consumer can benefit from mandatory guarantee programs. All contractors are required to comply with them.

The Civil Code also covers renovations, but specific guarantee programs are optional. Not all renovation contractors participate in them. Also, it is good to know which contractor associations offer well-organized programs:

After guarantees, the contract
One of the best ways to protect your home is to have a contract. The clearer and more detailed it is, the more arguments you will have on your side, in writing, in the event of a dispute. If you hired an architect or technologist, include the blueprints and cost estimate in the contract, and have the professional indicate the complete list of work to be done. If you are asked for a down payment, negotiate the lowest possible amount, as that sum is not protected in any way – specifically, if the contractor declares bankruptcy.

Basically, the best way to prevent problems is to thoroughly plan each project and keep a detailed file on it. That applies even to small projects: detail all phases of the work, product brands to be used, colours, finishes, etc. Don’t forget to write down all costs and draw up a specific schedule. Nothing beats prevention!

Don’t forget to check…

  • Most manufacturers of construction materials, appliances, and accessories guarantee their products. Inform yourself and ask for all supporting documents. You never know!

  • Before hiring someone, check to see if the contractor has personal liability and professional insurance. This can help you avoid other problems.

  • Follow the work in progress, take notes and even photographs.

  • Before accepting the work, draw up a list of the tasks you feel were poorly
    executed or incomplete to ensure that they are covered by the guarantee
    granted by the contractor. Also, feel free to hire a housing inspector if you
    think it necessary.

Renovation or construction? Discover CAA Habitation
Summer is the time for big or small projects in or around the house. Do not agree to do business with the first contractor you talk to. CAA Habitation has carefully chosen experts of all kinds in different specialties and trades. Discover the vast, reassuring, and reliable network that is CAA-Quebec Habitation’s Network of Approved Suppliers. It’s just a phone call away.