Answers to your car insurance questions for peace of mind behind the wheel

Published on May 3, 2022


(Musical background and cartoons throughout the video.) 


(On a pale blue background, logos of the Groupement des assureurs automobiles and of CAA-Quebec. Text appears on screen, forming a sentence that integrates the logos.) 

The Groupement des assureurs automobiles and CAA-Quebec 


The questions we ask ourselves to drive with confidence 


(Brown-haired man driving a car into a pothole, with these words appearing on screen as he speaks: damage, auto insurance.) 

Okay we need to talk. What’s my damage? It’s the whole auto insurance thing. It’s hard to wrap my mind around Why are there so many different terms? 


(Same brown-haired man at home, with armchair, lamp, and cat behind him.) 

I want to understand my car insurance before an accident happens.  

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has questions. 


(Questions appear one after another above the man with a subtle ringing of bells. They pile up, some not entirely legible.) 

You give your car to your child. What to do for insurance? 

Your child is still living at home and borrows your car occasionally. Should I declare it to my insurer? 

Does the deductible apply when I claim for a collision? 

I am not responsible for the accident, who pays for the damage to my car? 

Who should be designated as the main driver in a couple with only one car? 

Who determines my responsibility when a collision with another car? 


(Two advisors come to meet the man: a woman with a GAA logo on her white shirt and a blond man with a CAA-Quebec logo. They don’t speak. Text displayed on screen.) 

That’s right. That’s why we’re here. 


(Business card in a hand, with logos of the Groupement des assureurs automobiles and CAA-Quebec. Brown-haired man’s voice.) 

Ah! CAA-Quebec and GAA, you guys can answer my questions. 


(A woman and the brown-haired man in front of two cars after a collision. Man’s voice.) 

Okay, let’s say I have an accident but it’s not my fault. Who pays for the repairs? 


(Brown-haired man in front of the collision scene. Text displayed on screen.) 

In Quebec, things are simple 

Your insurer pays in the event of an accident 


(Brown-haired man in close-up, with text on screen.) 

Even if you aren’t responsible 


(Brown-haired man’s voice.) 

Really? Even if I’m not responsible? I didn’t know that. 


(Same brown-haired man at home, with armchair, lamp and cat behind him. He raises a finger. Man’s voice.) 

I’ve got another question. 



(Text appears on screen.) 



(Business card in a hand, featuring logos of Groupement des assureurs automobiles and CAA-Quebec. Text appears on screen, forming a sentence that integrates the logos.) 

The Groupement des assureurs automobiles and CAA-Quebec are joining forces to keep you informed. 


(Same man at home, with armchair, lamp and cat behind him. Man’s voice.) 

Wow, that’s great news. 



(Two of the same advisors, a woman and a man, hold out their hands, then surround the brown-haired man. They don’t speak. Text on screen.) 

We work together 

To answer your questions about the Quebec Automobile Insurance Plan 


(Brown-haired man in his car, driving at sunset. Man’s voice.) 

So i can get behind the wheel and drive with peace of mind. 


(Text on screen. Smiley wink animation.) 


Right :) 


(Text with logos of Groupement des assureurs automobiles and CAA-Quebec.) 

For more information