Car insurance: Do not-at-fault accidents go on the driver’s record?

Published on May 3, 2022


(Musical background and cartoons throughout the video. Text always displayed on screen, no spoken word or narration.) 


(Business card in a hand, with logos of the Groupement des assureurs automobiles and CAA-Quebec.) 


(Gray-haired woman scratches her head, wondering.) 

Questions we ask ourselves to feel we can drive with confidence 


(Woman shrugs and raises one hand in a gesture of cluelessness.) 

Question #102 


(Scene of face-to-face collision between 2 cars, smoke billowing from the hoods. Zooming out, the image is displayed on a computer screen.) 

I’m not responsible for the accident. Will it be logged in my claims file? 


(Zoom toward computer screen. New window opens.) 

All claims for which compensation is paid are registered in the Fichier central des sinistres automobiles, regardless of whether you are at fault or not.  


(Page scrolls down.) 

However, your file will specify your degree of responsibility: 

(Percentage appears in a pie chart. Starts at 100% then drops to 0%.) 


(A CAA-Quebec advisor and a Groupement des assureurs automobiles advisor surround the woman.) 

Always there to answer your questions 


(Logos of the Groupement des assureurs automobiles and CAA-Quebec.)   

For more information