Car insurance: Do you need to tell your insurer if your child is using your car?

Published on May 3, 2022


(Musical background and cartoons throughout the video. Text always displayed on screen, no spoken word or narration.) 


(Business card in a hand, with logos of the Groupement des assureurs automobiles and CAA-Quebec.) 


(Father scratches his head, wondering.) 

Questions we ask ourselves to feel we can drive with confidence 


(Father shrugs and raises one hand in a gesture of cluelessness.) 

Question #209 


(A daughter drives a car. She leaves the family home.) 

Your child still lives at home and borrows your car occasionally. 


(Father in front of the house, scratching his head.) 

Do you need to let the insurer know? 


(A Groupement des assureurs automobiles advisor joins the father.) 

Definitely! They’ll be designated as an occasional driver on your contract.  


(Daughter driving the car, on the road. She avoids oncoming obstacles and brakes hard.) 

This guarantees you’ll be compensated if an accident occurs while they’re driving.  


(A CAA-Quebec advisor and a Groupement des assureurs automobiles advisor surround the father.) 

Always there to answer your questions 


(Logos of the Groupement des assureurs automobiles and CAA-Quebec.) 

For more information