Car insurance: What to do if you’re giving your car to your child

Published on May 3, 2022


(Musical background and cartoons throughout the video. Text always displayed on screen, no spoken word or narration.)

(Business card in a hand, with logos of the Groupement des assureurs automobiles and CAA-Quebec.)

(Woman and man looking puzzled. The man scratches his head.)

Questions we ask ourselves to feel we can drive with confidence

(Woman shrugs and raises a hand to show her cluelessness. Man continues to scratch his head.)

Question #33

(Woman and man in front of their car and house.)

Who should be named as the main driver on the car insurance policy when a couple has only one car?

(Woman at the wheel of the vehicle. Time and weather shift as she drives: sunny day, rain, night with crickets chirping and an owl hooting.)

The one who drives the car most often, for instance, the person who uses the vehicle to get to and from work.

(Woman on colourful background, picture of an insurance policy.)

The other person’s name will also be entered as an occasional driver.

(A CAA-Quebec advisor and a Groupement des assureurs automobiles advisor surround the father.)

Always there to answer your questions

(Logos of the Groupement des assureurs automobiles and CAA-Quebec.)

For more information