Green swimming pool water: 5 tips to restore your oasis

Published on January 22, 2021


(Musical background throughout the video.) 

(Text on blue background featuring CAA-Quebec logo.) 

5 tips on green pool water 

(Text appearing on a series of 2 video clips: people jumping into a pool, then a person cleaning his pool.) 

1. Check the chlorine level 

The hotter it is, the more chlorine you need, so you have to add it more frequently. 

2. Check the water’s chemical balance 

Balance your water to ensure that it’s limpid by measuring hardness, alkalinity and pH. Adjust the levels to achieve the right balance. 

3. Let your pool breathe 

Your pool water needs oxygen to stay clear. Remove the solar cover during the day. 

4. Have your water analyzed 

Bring a water sample to your pool dealer. They will tell you the right dose to use to restore your pool water to its original crystal-clear state. 

5. Add more chlorine before going on vacation 

Plan ahead if you’re leaving on vacation. A slight overdose of chlorine will prevent algae growth. If you’re leaving for more than 7 days, ask someone to add another dose for you. 

(Text on blue background featuring CAA-Quebec logo.) 

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