Painting jobs: 5 easy steps to complete them

Published on January 22, 2021


(Musical background throughout the video.) 

(Text on blue background featuring CAA-Quebec logo.) 

5 steps to painting perfect 

(Text appearing on a series of blue backgrounds, images and video clips, such as a bicycle leaning against a blue interior wall, a person cleaning a wall, brushes and rollers, a woman painting.) 

Step 1: Figure out if the paint on the wall is oil- or latex-based 

Soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and rub the wall. 

If the colour comes off on the cotton ball, it’s latex. If not, it’s oil-based. 

If you want to use latex paint on top of oil-based paint, you’ll need to apply a primer first.  

Step 2: Figure out how much paint you’ll need 

One gallon of paint (3.78L) covers approximately 450ft2 (40m2). 

Buy a bit more (10%) to make up for losses on paint brushes and rollers and in paint trays.  

Step 3: Prepare the surface 

Wash the walls with water and mild soap to get rid of dust and grease.  

Another option is to use TSP (trisodium phosphate). 

Step 4: Select your tools 

Use an angled brush or a trim edger for cutting in. Be sure to have extra pads handy for the trim edger.  

Painter’s tape is great for protecting adjacent surfaces from wayward brush strokes and splatter.  

You’ll also want a stepladder, a roller handle, paint-mixing sticks and tarps for covering furniture and floors.  

Step 5: Learn to cut in and roll like a pro 

Make sure the room is well lit. Adjust the lighting as needed. 

Do the cutting in first, then fill in the surface with a roller, one wall at a time.  

Correct any errors using a knife wrapped in a damp cloth for latex paint or a dry cloth for oil-based paint.  

Clean your brushes and rollers in warm water if you used latex paint or with paint thinner for oil-based paint.  

Wrap your brushes in plastic wrap (or a plastic bag) if you’ll be using them again soon.  

(Text on blue background featuring CAA-Quebec logo.) 

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