Prepare a vegetable garden, step by step

Published on January 22, 2021


(Musical background throughout the video.) 

(Text on blue background featuring CAA-Quebec logo.) 

A step-by-step guide to vegetable gardening 

(Text that appears over a sequence of video extracts, such as a person sowing seeds, another planting seedlings in his garden, or a man carrying a wooden crate filled with vegetables, alternating with simplified, animated drawings on a blue background depicting, for example, seedlings, gardening tools, or vegetables.) 

Start your seeds indoors 

Depending on the type of seed, you’ll want to transfer your shoots to your garden sometime between early March and late April.  

Pick a good spot for your garden 

Make sure it’s sheltered from prevailing winds and far from any mature trees.  

Try to have it facing north-south, with 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day. 

Get your soil ready 

Till the earth at a good depth and add fertilizers. 

Talk to someone at your garden centre to find out what fertilizer you need for the vegetables you’re planting. 

Plant your vegetables in the right spots 

Put the highest plants on the northern side so that they don’t shade the shorter ones.  

Get the most out of your garden 

Plant fast-growing veggies every 2 to 4 weeks for a harvest that keeps on giving.  

Year 1 

Fertilize the soil with really rich compost and plant vegetables that need a lot of nutrients.  

Year 2 

Plant vegetables that need an average amount of nutrients, like leafy vegetables. 

Year 3 

Plant beans or root vegetables that don’t need a lot of nutrients.   

(Text on blue background featuring CAA-Quebec logo.) 

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