7 tips on keeping mosquitoes at bay

Published on June 17, 2020


(Musical background throughout the video.) 

(Text on blue background featuring CAA-Quebec logo.) 

7 tips on keeping mosquitoes away 

(Text appearing over a series of images and animated sequences: an upturned wheelbarrow, a garbage can, a person trimming a hedge, a mosquito net, a house at night, and a water garden.) 


1. Eliminate stagnant water 

• Clean your gutters 

• Keep your pool cover clear of water 

• Turn over the wheelbarrow 

• Empty the wading pool 

• Change the water in your pets’ water bowls 

• Check municipal bylaws 


2. Cover garbage pails and other containers 

Prevent water from accumulating by punching holes in the bottoms of any containers that cannot be covered.  


3. Keep your garden neat and tidy 

Mosquitoes are attracted to dense hedges and high grass. 


4. Check the condition of your screens 

Are midges coming in through your screens? You may need to use finer screens.  


5. Repair your exterior doors 

Make sure they close tightly. 


6. Limit lighting at night 

Choose LED or yellow lights and, ideally, get a motion detector. 


7. Maintain your water garden 

Make sure there’s a constant flow of water and add fish that eat mosquito larvae. 


(Text on blue background featuring CAA-Quebec logo.) 

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