Low-toxicity insect and animal repellents

Published on June 7, 2018
2 mins reading time

When preventive methods are no longer effective at keeping unwanted insects and animals at bay, more drastic measures may be called for, such as the use of pesticides. 

While some natural products may have a repellent effect, products with active ingredients are not all harmless. It’s therefore important to use them sparingly and follow the instructions for use to reduce the potential adverse effects on health and the environment.

Examples of natural products used as animal or insect repellents



Hot pepper and black pepperAnimals (cats, dogs, squirrel, etc.)
Cloves, lavender sachets, camphor, scented soapClothes moths
White vinegarSpiders and houseflies
Chicken manure, dried blood meal (available at garden centres)Squirrels

Examples of active ingredients in over-the-counter pesticides1



Citronella oilMosquitoes and other stinging insects
Capsaicin (active compound of chili peppers)

Piperine (active compound of pepper)

Black pepper oil

Animals (dogs, cats, squirrels, skunks, etc.)
Diatomaceous earth (silicon dioxide)Ants, cockroaches, earwigs, etc.
Insecticidal soapPlants infested with mites, aphids, white flies or thrips.
Pheromones (on sticky traps)Food mites
Boric acid


Ants, cockroaches

Other products


Deet picaridin (topical repellents)

Mosquitoes and other biting insects

Pyrethrin (insecticide)

Ants, cockroaches

Permethrin (insecticide)


Has an insect or pest invaded your home? CAA-Quebec Residential Advisory Services can easily answer your questions about a potential infestation and, if necessary, recommend a reliable extermination company. You can also consult our home guides.


1. A pesticide typically consists of formulants (oil, paste, etc.) and one or more active ingredients. An active ingredient is a compound that acts on the targeted pest(s). To find out the active ingredient in a product, look at the label under “guarantee”.