Types of flies and their behaviour
Like with mosquitos, the females seek out human blood because they need protein to produce eggs. They are attracted by people’s movements, the carbon dioxide (CO2) they exhale, their smell, and the heat they give off. How do they compare to mosquitos? The mechanics of how they bite is different. There are many different types of flies. Here are the two species you are most likely to see around the house:
Houseflies can ingest only liquids, preferably sweet liquids, because they feed themselves through a tube. They can liquefy the surface of solid foods by coating it with their saliva and then sucking up the resulting mixture.
Females lay their eggs in decaying organic matter, household waste being a perfect example. The larvae, which look like tiny white worms, are also called maggots.
Fruit flies (drosophila fly), though small, can quickly overrun a kitchen – not surprising, considering that each female can lay up to 35 eggs a day! They may come from outside, or they (or their eggs) may be present in fruit you bring home from the grocery store.
Are flies useful or bothersome?
- Flies are important, because they are a menu item for many species (especially fish or other insects) and thereby contribute to the food chain.
- They also help pollinate some plants.
- Flies are carriers of disease (including salmonella), because they come and go on all kinds of surfaces, including organic matter and garbage.
How do you keep flies out of your home?
Prevention and cleanliness usually do the trick.
Check the condition of your window screens and repair or replace them as needed.
Wash kitchen surfaces and dishes right away.
Promptly put leftovers and fruit in the fridge or a sealed container.
Rinse packaging, cans and bottles (especially those that contained sugary liquids) before putting them in the recycling bin.
Cover exterior garbage cans or drill holes in the bottom of ones that can’t be covered. Make sure to clean them frequently.
How to get rid of flies?
Getting rid of houseflies
If a few sneak in, open the door to let them out or use a good old-fashioned fly swatter. How about on a larger scale? Many municipalities are spraying to reduce the number of black flies.
Getting rid of fruit flies
Fruit flies won’t survive for long without a source of food. So the first thing to do when you notice them is put any fruits that seem to be attracting them into an outdoor garbage can. Then exterminate any remaining flies with homemade traps. Here are two types of traps:
Pour 2cm to 3cm of cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar into the bottom of a glass. Add a few drops of dishwashing detergent. Set the glass in the infested area.
Put a piece of overripe fruit without the peel and a bit of wine or balsamic vinegar in a bowl. Cover it with plastic film and pierce holes in the film with a fork, The fruit flies will make their way in but won’t be able to get out.
Put your traps into bags and put them in the freezer for 10 minutes to kill the flies you have caught and repeat the process until you’ve eliminated all the flies. It shouldn’t take more than a few days.
To learn more about flies
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