School Safety Patrol Chief’s Toolkit

School Safety Patrol Chief’s tools

CAA-Quebec has put together different documents to make your job as a School Safety Patrol Chief easier, whether you’re setting up the program, evaluating the work of patrollers, or organizing road safety activities. 

You can draw inspiration from them to create your own, or use them as they are. Download them for free. You can also order items marked with an * from the CAA-Quebec Foundation (also for free).

Equipment for patrollers

Shoulder belt


The yellow shoulder belt ($) is the regulation uniform of a school safety patroller. It helps patrollers stand out from their fellow students and makes them highly visible to motorists and other road users.



The certificate of merit (free) recognizes patrollers for their hard work and reminds them they are a proud part of a larger team, the CAA-Quebec safety patrol.



The certificate of merit (free) recognizes patrollers for their hard work and reminds them they are a proud part of a larger team, the CAA-Quebec school safety patrols.



The patroller's permit (free) is proof of students' membership in the safety patrol at their school.