Handling of dissatisfactions

3 ways to share your feedback
Are you not satisfied with the service you have received when purchasing your insurance?
Contact the CAA-Quebec team by following the process outlined below. We will ensure that your request is handled fairly and in accordance with our policies.
Perhaps you are dissatisfied with the product you purchased, or with the claims process? You can contact our insurance partners directly. Their contact information is given below.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your claim, you can turn to the OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance (OLHI) for personal insurance including life, travel, accident insurance, etc. For damage insurance (auto or home insurance), you can turn to the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF). These bodies provide an independent complaints resolution service. Please note that you must have approached the insurer or distributor (and received a response) before the AMF will consider your complaint.
Processus de CAA-Québec pour le traitement des insatisfactions
We work hard, together with our well-known partners, to offer you quality insurance that meets your needs. If you are not satisfied with one of our products or the quality of service you have received, we want to know so that we can quickly resolve the situation.
Here’s how to send your feedback to CAA-Quebec.
Step 1: Contact your advisor
Contact the advisor who sold you the product or provided you with the service. This person’s contact information appears on the product documentation.
If you are not satisfied with the information provided verbally, send us a written description of your concern to one of these addresses.
Damage insurance (vehicle and home): assurancesautohabitation@caaquebec.com
Personal insurance (accident, health, life, and travel): assurances@caaquebec.com
You will receive a written reply from a representative of the customer service team.
Step 2: Send your formal complaint to the Complaints Officer
If your concern or dissatisfaction cannot be resolved by your advisor or our Customer Service team, you can submit a formal complaint to the CAA-Quebec Complaints Officer.
You can write to the Complaints Officer by post or email:
CAA-Quebec Complaints Officer – Insurance
444 Rue Bouvier, Québec, Quebec G2J 1E3
(Write “Message to be submitted to the Complaints Officer” in the subject line.)
In your letter or email, clearly describe:
your complaint against CAA-Quebec or one of its insurance subsidiaries;
the actual or potential damages you sustained;
the corrective action you are requesting.
The Complaints Officer, or this person’s delegate, will ensure that the complaint has been handled properly by the advisor or Customer Service team. The relevant information and documents will be gathered, and the file will be analyzed in-depth. A decision will be rendered in a timely manner. A conclusion will be sent to you in writing, as well as the reasons for the decision.
Step 3: Request the transfer of your complaint to the appropriate body
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome or the handling of your complaint by the Complaints Officer, you may request that your file be transferred to the appropriate regulatory body, either the OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance or the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF). These bodies do offer mediation or conciliation services.
Please note that the Complaints Officer also reports the complaints received to regulatory bodies.
Updated: August 25, 2021
Contact CAA-Quebec and its partner insurers
CAA-Quebec distributes insurance products. It is not the insurer. If you are dissatisfied with the product or the claims process, you can contact the insurer directly. Below is the contact information for each product concerned.
Contact information
Read the full policy
Notes and conditions
CAA-Québec Assurances refers to CAA-Quebec Auto and Home Insurance Inc., damage insurance agency. Auto and home insurance offered to CAA-Quebec members and to the clients of its group of corporations in Quebec under the name CAA-Quebec Auto Insurance or CAA-Quebec Home Insurance are underwritten by Prysm General Insurance Inc. (“Prysm”) and distributed by CAA-Quebec Auto and Home Insurance Inc. CAA-Quebec Auto and Home Insurance Inc. offers exclusively auto and home insurance products from Prysm. They are offered by CAA-Québec Assurances in Quebec only.
CAA-Québec Assurances refers to Cabinet en assurance de personnes CAA-Québec, firm in insurance of persons. The travel insurance products offered to CAA-Quebec members and to the clients of its group of corporations in Quebec under the name Assurance voyage CAA-Quebec are underwritten by Echelon Insurance doing business under the name Orion Travel Insurance and distributed by Cabinet en assurance de personnes CAA-Québec. They are also offered by Voyages CAA-Québec as part of its travel agency activities. They are offered by CAA-Québec Assurances in Quebec only.
CAA-Québec Assurances refers to Cabinet en assurance de personnes CAA-Québec, firm in insurance of persons. Life, critical illness, and health and dental insurance products offered to CAA-Quebec members and to the clients of its affiliates in Quebec are underwritten and distributed by Canadian Premier Life Insurance Company doing business under the name Securian Canada.
CAA-Québec Assurances refers to Cabinet en assurance de personnes CAA-Québec, firm in insurance of persons. The accident insurance products offered to CAA-Quebec members and to the clients of its group of corporations in Quebec under the name Assurance accident CAA-Québec are underwritten by AIG Insurance Company of Canada and distributed by Cabinet en assurance de personnes CAA-Québec. They are offered by CAA-Québec Assurances in Quebec only.
CAA-Québec Assurances refers to Cabinet en assurance de personnes CAA-Québec, firm in insurance of persons. The pet insurance products distributed under the Pets Plus Us® brand are offered to CAA-Quebec members and to the clients of its group of corporations in Quebec. They are underwritten by Northbridge General Insurance Company and distributed by Société d’Assurances Collectives (Sodaco Inc.). They are offered by CAA-Québec Assurances in Quebec only.