Always there when it counts

Published on March 8, 2022

It’s  been  two  years  since  the  world  began  living  in  a  state  of  f lux,  well  beyond what we could have imagined. Despite the inevitable but healthy reset required of each of us individually, we at CAA-Quebec have always been, and remain, ready to assist you.

I find it particularly reassuring that  the  right  questions  have  been  posed at every level of our organization: What lessons have we learned over the last  two  years?  In  what  ways  do  we want to change and grow, and what will be our legacy for future generations? As I wrote in April 2020, there will for-evermore be a “Before COVID-19” and an  “After  COVID-19,”  but  it  is  still unknown when the “After COVID-19” era  will  officially  begin.  Perhaps  it  already has.

A catalyst for reflection

Today, we oscillate between hope and the need to prioritize vigilance, faced by the uncertainties and upheavals this global crisis has created. We’re now in full evolution mode, redefining ourselves while building on the solid foundation of a century-old organization as it moves into the future.

Together with our many partners, we actively pursue innovation in every aspect of CAA-Quebec. Yes, we continue to offer guidance and advice for your chosen mode of mobility as well as in all other areas of daily life. While the new reality for travellers is constantly changing,  we  will  always  be  there  –  before, during and after your travels – to provide all necessary information, advice and assistance.

You  can  count  on  our  presence  whether you’re on the road or at home to help out as necessary – with roadside assistance, home or automotive advisory services, insurance matters, or the names of approved garages and home-reno suppliers. Our network is steadily expanding to provide local and  more  sustainable  consumer  options.  CAA-Quebec  is  ready  for  action – for you and with you.

We’re proud to be of service

All  of  this  is  possible  thanks  to  our  dedicated  employees.  Together,  we  have mastered new tools and new ways of working and collaborating. We miss the human contact, of course, but share a sense of community and purpose with colleagues who are just a click away. This enhanced collaboration is evident through the quality of service provided by all our employees. I’m immensely proud of them.

We  are  a  large  team  across  the  province, attuned to your realities and the stakes that the pandemic imposes upon our lives.

Present in your daily routine, we no longer keep count of the blizzards and extreme cold that buffet us all come winter, confident that spring is on its way! So do count on the goodwill that buoys the CAA-Quebec team and its partners. As ever, we will be there when and where it counts.