CAA-Quebec is proud to support Opération Enfant Soleil

Published on April 4, 2022

It is with great pride and enthusiasm that we embark on a collaboration to help build the 2022 Maison Enfant Soleil by Bonneville. We are drawing on our expertise in housing and our network of approved suppliers to take part in this initiative that aims to provide quality paediatric care to all sick children in Quebec.

We have committed to providing construction services for this project. The strength of our network of Approved Residential Suppliers has enabled us to install wood and ceramic floors, seal joints, paint walls, and stain wood slat ceilings. We would like to thank Réno Montréal and Peintres CertaPro, our two partners in this project.

Working together for the children

We love Opération Enfant Soleil’s initiatives to help children and their families. It made sense for us to be a part of this project, as we share a mission to provide assistance in our respective fields. What’s more, we also work with young people, particularly through our Foundation, which seeks to raise awareness about road safety.

30 years of Maison Enfant Soleil!

This year, Opération Enfant Soleil is building the 30th Maison Enfant Soleil. This major project will make it possible to continue providing services that make a difference in the lives of children and their parents, year after year.

If you too would like to contribute to this cause and at the same time have a chance to win the 2022 Maison Enfant Soleil by Bonneville, get your ticket now.


The house was still a massive construction site when we completed our work. CAA-Quebec’s partners put a lot of love into this project.