Your driver’s licence now only $24!
Do you have a Class 5 driver’s licence and no demerit points on your record? Good news! Starting this month, it will cost you only $24 to renew your driver’s licence.
Last April, Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) announced a two-year insurance contribution vacation. People born in January will be the first to be mailed out a payment notice for only $4.90 plus $19.10 in fees for their driver’s licence.
Do you have a combined Class 5 and 6 (passenger vehicle and motorcycle) driver’s licence? You too will get the same insurance contribution vacation for 2022 and 2023.
That’s a savings of nearly $185 for a passenger vehicle licence and $338 for a passenger vehicle and motorcycle licence over two years.
Why are you paying less?
The insurance contribution vacation you are entitled to is largely due to an improved road safety record in recent years. The decrease in the number of road fatalities (2.2%) and the number of people seriously injured (20.3%) or slightly injured (33.9%) compared to the average over the last five years has helped reduce payouts and strengthen the Fonds d’assurance automobile du Québec. Furthermore, a better performance of the SAAQ’s investment income over the last ten years, compared to what was anticipated, has also made this significant reduction in the cost of your driver’s licence possible.
CAA-Quebec applauds SAAQ’s decision. It gives drivers a break by lowering the cost of renewing their licence until 2023.
This announcement also sends a strong message: if we all work together to improve our road safety record, we’ll save lives—and money!