CAA-Quebec brings its expertise to Annuel de l’automobile

Published on September 9, 2024

Fans of Annuel de l’automobile will likely notice the CAA-Quebec logo gracing the cover of the 2025 edition. The current issue of the popular reference features opinions and advice from CAA-Quebec’s experienced automotive experts, Jesse Caron and Maxime Dubois, in a series of exclusive reports.

In the partnership’s first year, readers will find answers to a lot of their questions along with down-to-earth advice in articles organized by theme. You can learn to read the manufacturer’s warranty, for example, and understand the language and vocabulary dealer sales managers use when they sell you a new vehicle. Electric vehicles are covered in a report featuring 10 little-known facts about EVs. And our experts share advice on preventing corrosion and protecting your vehicle from rust. 

“Annuel de l’automobile is a top notch, credible publication—a natural partner for CAA-Quebec. It’s a partnership that lines up perfectly with our mobility-education mission.” 

​​—Sophie Gagnon, Vice President, Public Affairs and Corporate Responsibility​  

An edition jam-packed with hot topics

The 2025 edition is particularly rich with a dossier on the Canadian EV project Arrow, an account of a visit to the legendary Maserati MC20 production workshop, and a dossier on gender discrimination in automotive safety. The best vehicles in 26 categories, authors’ favourites, and the ever-popular road tests are (of course) back. 

The 2025 Annuel de l’automobile is available, among other places, at CAA-Quebec’s 13 Travel Centres and the CAA-Quebec Boutique. Buy it there, and members get a special price of $27.95, which represents savings of $9 compared to the retail price in bookstores. 

À propos de CAA-Québec

CAA-Québec offre une étendue de services d’assistance dans des secteurs variés en misant sur une approche humaine. Engagée socialement, l’organisation agit au quotidien pour défendre les intérêts de ses membres. Et en respect de ses valeurs de fiabilité et de bienveillance, elle incite à une consommation responsable et à la promotion de la sécurité routière. 

