CAA-Quebec master routes

Master routes show you the way to the most popular Canadian and U.S. destinations, because sometimes you just want the most direct route from point A to point B. What should you know before you take a master route?

CAA-Quebec uses the following rules to select master routes: 

  • Choose highways over secondary roads.

  • Keep road changes to a minimum.

  • Avoid toll roads as much as possible.

  • For destinations that are Canadian cities, keep the master route in Canada.

  • Include bypass options around big cities, when needed.

How to use CAA‑Quebec’s master routes 

  • Use the links below to see the route.

  • Feel free to change the starting address to your own.

  • If your destination isn’t exactly what’s there, feel free to change the destination address as well.

    • WARNING: Any white dots (meaning “via”) we’ve added along your way may no longer apply. You can delete them.

  • For routes identified as toll-free that take Highway 88-81, the directions may say it’s a toll road, but there is no toll because the section of Highway 90 involved is so short.

CAA-Quebec master routes for popular destinations 

Here are some popular destinations CAA has master routes for, mainly starting in Montréal.

We indicate the planning map for each route (road maps for the states and provinces you go through) that you can order free as a member to go with your itinerary.