Accident insurance: The perfect supplement to public plans

Published on October 21, 2020
3 mins reading time

Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ), Société de l’assurance du Québec (SAAQ), and even private insurance plans don’t cover all types of accidents—let alone what comes after. That’s why accident insurance is such a great option. See how it can protect you.

If something goes wrong, your accident insurance will compensate you for losses suffered, paramedical expenses, and even vocational rehabilitation—basically all additional aid after the accident. And if the accident has a more tragic outcome, such as permanent paralysis or death, the insured or their family may be compensated.

What types of accidents does accident insurance cover?

By accident, we mean just about anything that can happen…


At home:

  • Fall off a ladder or down a staircase
  • Injury while doing a mechanical repair in the garage
  • Fracture during an impromptu hockey game
  • Deep gash while doing renovations
  • And more

Real-life example: Michelle Pépin, 63, fell down the stairs while holding her sleeping grandson in her arms. While trying to protect him, she fractured her leg and dislocated her ankle—injuries that immobilized her for seven weeks.

Luckily, Ms. Pépin had taken out insurance for all types of accidents for herself and her husband. She figured at the time that for the cost of a nice meal at a restaurant, this annual coverage was worth getting to cover what public plans don’t.

After her fall, not only was Ms. Pépin’s hospital stay in a semi-private room and wheelchair rental covered, she also received compensation for the fracture. Enough to ease her suffering.

When you’re in pain and time is of the essence, you don’t always have time to shop around for medical accessories, and that can put a hole in your budget. The additional coverage the insurer provides can make the difference between having the bare minimum and being comfortable.

Away from home:

Accidents occurring away from home are also covered throughout Quebec, the rest of Canada, and abroad:

  • On any type of transportation, whether you’re the driver or a passenger (car, bicycle, motorcycle, ATV, snowmobile, airplane [passenger only], boat, train, bus) and even if you’re a pedestrian
  • When you take part in any sport or leisure activity, including extreme sports (climbing, cycling, scuba diving, skiing, hang-gliding, etc.)

The importance of reviewing your insurance coverage from time to time

As life changes, so do your insurance needs. That’s why it’s important to go over your coverage from time to time to see what your private life, travel, or health insurance policies do or don’t cover:

  • Your spouse has lost their job and is no longer covered by their group insurance.
  • You do major work yourself at home.
  • You take advantage of the fact that your children are grown up to pursue a sport you haven’t done for years.
  • You take part in a dangerous sport that life insurance doesn’t cover.
  • You have health problems that prevent you from buying life insurance (or it’s too expensive!).

In short, insurance for all types of accidents is that little extra cushion that you don’t always think about, but leads to a happier ending for people like Michelle Pépin.

Have questions about accident insurance? CAA-Quebec has the answers.