Moving house smoothly

Published on April 22, 2022
4 mins reading time

Moving requires a lot of careful preparation. If you don’t plan ahead, it can be an experience you’ll remember well after you’ve unpacked your last box—for all the wrong reasons. Here’s our advice for every step, working backwards from the big day.

First tip: avoid moving during the peak period from June 15 to July 15 and especially on June 24 or July 1, when you’ll pay up to double the going rate for movers.

Hire your mover


Six months before you move, find a moving company you trust four to six months before you move. Make sure they’re a member in good standing of Commission des Transports du Québec. You can find out if a mover is a member by contacting Quebec’s trucking association. Choose a company that lists an address for their business—be wary of classified ads that only mention a phone number. Watch out as well for fly-by-night operators who advertise moving services starting in early May, only to vanish from the scene sometime in July. While they may succeed in attracting business with very low prices, these “professionals” offer zero protection if anything gets damaged and, obviously, won’t foot the bill for any losses. If you have questions about your moving contract or your future home and you are a CAA-Quebec member, contact our Residential Advisory Services. It’s free!

Make sure your mover is properly insured

A good mover will have valid insurance to cover any loss or damage that may occur. Don’t hesitate to ask for the name of their insurance company. If anything goes wrong, it’s the moving company’s insurance policy that will reimburse you. Remember, however, that the moving company’s liability is usually limited to a maximum amount per kilo of goods moved, but you can always get additional insurance. Make sure to get a receipt and ask to see the official insurance policy document. And remember to let your own insurer know what date you’re moving because if any serious damage occurs, your home insurance may help cover it.


How much does a good mover cost?

The cost for a local move (within a 50-km radius) is based on an hourly rate that varies depending on the region and the number of movers (ideally three—one to pack while the other two move the furniture). Don’t hesitate to provide lots of details so you get a realistic quote (which floor you live on, if there’s an elevator, if you have any non-standard furniture, if the doors need to be taken off their hinges, etc.).

If it’s a long distance move (outside a 50-km radius), a representative from the moving company will likely visit your home to give you a quote.

Give your home a thorough once-over

Two to three months before you move:

  • Throw out anything you don’t want anymore, give it away, or have a yard sale and create an inventory of your belongings
  • Start packing up things you don’t use very often—seal each box, mark the ones that contain fragile objects, and identify which room in your new home each box is destined for
  • You can even make a list of all your boxes and identify where each should go

Change your address

Four to six weeks before the big day:

  • Notify Canada Post
  • Visit Quebec’s change of address website to notify six government departments and agencies in one go
  • Remember to inform your suppliers, your employer, and your financial institution of your new address, forward any subscriptions you have, and change your address on your driver’s license and vehicle registration
  • Find someone to look after your kids and/or pets on the day of the move
  • Change your address using your CAA-Quebec member account

Pack everything up

Two to three weeks before moving day:

  • Pick up some new boxes and any moving accessories you may need
  • Plan to have your utilities and services disconnected and reconnected at your new place (heating, phone, Internet, etc.)
  • Slowly start to empty your dressers, drawers, and other storage spaces and leave out only the essentials as you get closer to your moving date
  • Keep a broom and some cleaning products on hand

Unplug your appliances

The day before you move:

  • Empty and clean the fridge and freezer
  • Put your food in a cooler

Take your meter readings

The day of the move:

  • Take meter readings (electricity, gas) in both homes
  • Wait a few hours before plugging your appliances back in
  • Be at your new home when the movers arrive to unload the truck—it will make everything go much more smoothly
  • After everything is moved in, inspect your furniture with the mover before signing the invoice
  • Take the time to settle in and enjoy your new home
  • Consult our home guides to help you take good care of it

Welcome to your new home!