How do I insure my dog or cat?

Having a pet in your life is magical—most of the time. But like humans, animals can have accidents or get sick, and visits to the vet can be very pricey. That’s why it’s important to have pet insurance.
How does pet insurance work?
Pet insurance works a bit like health insurance: once you’ve taken out a policy, you pay premiums and submit claims to your insurer, who then reimburses you according to the conditions and limits of your policy. That way, your ill or injured pet gets the best care possible, and you don’t have to worry about the bill. Now that’s peace of mind!
What does pet insurance cover?
Cat and dog insurance generally covers a wide range of expenses incurred due to an accident or illness, such as:
Emergency veterinary care and hospitalization
Hereditary and congenital conditions
X-rays and diagnostic tests
Drugs and medical devices
Even some alternative therapies (e.g., physiotherapy or massage therapy)
Other expenses may also be covered, depending on the insurer you choose and what additional coverage they offer:
Preventive care like vaccines, tests, treatments to prevent fleas or worms, etc.
Prescription food for treating an illness
Board and care in the event that you are hospitalized
Advertising and reward for a lost pet
Cancellation costs for a vacation with your pet if your pet has a medical emergency
Cremation or burial (even includes a donation to an animal charity in honour of your pet)
Although less common, some behavioural therapies are covered by pet insurance, as is dental care. Ask your insurer, agent, or broker before choosing a product and coverage.
What isn’t covered by pet insurance?
Health conditions or illnesses known to you at the time you purchase the insurance (those pesky “pre-existing conditions”) aren’t normally covered. Your pet may need to undergo a medical examination to qualify for insurance. Be sure to read your policy carefully and understand the details and exclusions: Are there maximum amounts, geographic limits for coverage, conditions not covered, waiting periods for care, etc.?
How much does pet insurance cost?
As with all insurance coverage, the price of pet insurance varies based on several factors:
Animal type: it generally costs less to insure a cat than a dog.
Age: the older the animal, the more likely it is to fall ill, so the premium is higher.
Breed: some dog and cat breeds are more prone to certain illnesses.
Deductible: some insurers let you choose the amount of the deductible, while others have a fixed amount based on age and type of animal.
Coverage type: your premium will be determined based on whether you choose basic, intermediate, or more comprehensive coverage.
You’ll also have to choose a co-insurance amount, which is the portion of each claim you’ll be responsible for paying. Most of the time, it’s about 80-20, meaning that the insurer reimburses you for 80% of eligible costs (once you pay the deductible) and you pay the remaining 20%.
Shop around to get the right pet insurance
Get pet insurance quotes from multiple providers and compare coverage and prices.
Good to know
The simple fact of having a dog or cat in a home is an additional risk in terms of coverage, which is why it’s important to let your home insurer know if you adopt a pet. For example, if your dog bites someone and that person sues you, the civil liability portion of your home insurance will cover your defence costs as well as any compensation that may be paid out.
When should I insure my dog or cat?
Like any insurance policy, the sooner the better—for your pet and your wallet! Note that most providers won’t insure very young animals (0‒7 weeks) because they’re still too fragile. But it’s good to explore your options before adopting a pet. Your pet will be covered as long as you pay your premium. An annual health exam may be required after your pet reaches a certain age
What are the care requirements of my pet’s coverage?
With most insurers, you’ll need to make sure your pet receives regular veterinary care, which includes all the vaccinations and other treatments recommended by your vet to prevent accidents and illnesses. You can do your part to help prevent injuries by safely transporting your dog in the car (using a harness or a cage) and by keeping it on a leash when walking.
Which pet insurance is best?
The best insurance for your dog or cat is one that meets your needs and fits your budget. How do you know if pet insurance is right for you? By estimating the costs incurred over a pet’s lifetime, such as vaccinations, surgery, spaying or neutering, food, and so on, Protégez-Vous magazine estimates that the cost of caring for a puppy during its first year of life would be a minimum of $970, and for a kitten it would be close to $1,000 (articles in French only). Do you have the financial resources to cover the expenses if your pet has an accident or becomes seriously ill? Of course, you can set up an emergency fund to save for future expenses, or you can take out insurance and enjoy that peace of mind right away!

Protect your dogs and cats
See how you could avoid spending so much on veterinary bills.