Trip interruption protection

Exclusive to members

Return the completed form and supporting documents. You can also do this by mail. See below for procedure.

Discover other member benefits for your travels

Discover the 2 features of this protection

The reimbursement to which you are entitled depends on the type of problem with your vehicle. The maximum amount you can claim also depends on the level of membership you have.

Eligibility requirements

  • The incident must take place in Canada or the United States, further than 160km from your primary residence. 
  • You need to be travelling to or from your destination, and not already there. 
  • The vehicle must be unusable (car, SUV, van, RV or motorcycle). 
  • You may make a claim for accommodation and meals expenses if breakdown lasts more than 24 hours. You may also make a claim for transportation costs to reach your destination or return home. 
  • Invoices must be in the name of the member. It must include all information on the company providing the service. 
  • Your claim must be forwarded to CAA-Quebec within 30 days of the incident. 
  • Only one reimbursement is granted per membership year and per member family.   


  • Expenses resulting from vandalism
  • Cost of vehicle repairs
  • Expenses incurred by any other person with whom you are travelling (unless they are also a member)
  • Telephone charges (long distance) 
  • Cost of all transportation while awaiting repairs   

Procedure for requesting a reimbursement

1. Fill out the form. 

Download form 


2. Assemble the required supporting documents: 

  • Detailed invoice (meals, accommodations and/or transportation) 

  • Vehicle damage assessment or repair invoice 

  • Police report (if applicable) 

3. Submit the form and supporting documents. You have 3 options. 

  • Fax: 1‑800‑787-6786 or 418-626-3159 (to the attention of the Service des remboursements) 

  • Mail: 

Service des remboursements 


8000 Rue Armand-Viau, Suite 500 

Québec, Quebec  G2C 2E2 


By mail, please send us the original supporting documents.