Used vehicle appraisal

Exclusive to members
Both a benchmark and a comparison tool, the “list price” is just one of the tools CAA-Quebec provides to help you determine the value of a used vehicle: car, motorcycle, truck, ATV, snowmobile, or other.

Get in touch with one of our specialists
Monday to Friday, 8:30a.m. to 5p.m.
Québec area
418-624-0613Elsewhere in Quebec
1-888-471-2424A valuable service for finding the right price for a vehicle!
“List prices” are ideal values that apply to a faultless car. They are calculated from data taken from various publications, such as Guide Hebdo. A number of criteria may influence the price, either upwards or downwards:

- Repairs needed to put the vehicle back in good working condition
Popularity or scarcity of the vehicle’s equipment
Only vehicles aged fourteen years or less are eligible.