Home, mobility and travel benefits

Residential lockout service
You are entitled to one locksmith service call per membership year to unlock the door to your primary residence (the address entered in your file) if your keys are lost or broken. You are entitled to one discount on the locksmith’s bill or a reimbursement.
CAA Classic | CAA Go: $50 discount or reimbursement
CAA Plus | CAA Plus RV: $100 discount or reimbursement
CAA Premier | CAA Premier RV: $150 discount or reimbursement
You must submit the locksmith’s invoice to us within 30 days following the service. It must be in your name and must state the address where the service was provided.
Find out more about our Lockout Service
Car rental in the event of a breakdown
As a CAA Premier or CAA Premier RV member, you are entitled to up to two-day complimentary car rental if your personal vehicle has to be towed due to a mechanical breakdown.
Eligibility requirements:
- The breakdown must occur within 160km of your home.
- Towing and rental must be arranged through CAA-Quebec.
- The broken‑down vehicle must be towed to a certified repair shop.
- The following vehicles are not eligible: bicycles, motorcycles, scooters, recreational vehicles, snowmobiles, quads, and commercial vehicles.
- Complimentary car rental is not offered in the event of an accident.
- The request must be made in the 48 hours following the towing.
- Limited to one rental request per year.
Other conditions apply. Please contact us for more information or to make a rental request.
Travel agency service fees
You either earn CAA Dollars back on most service fees for bookings made through our CAA-Quebec Travel agency, or you pay no fee at all.
CAA Classic | CAA Plus | CAA Plus RV | CAA Go: No service fees on Sunshine packages, North American hotel and vehicle bookings, as well as explore products; 15 CAA Dollars back on bookings for tours, cruises, Disney packages, trains, hotels, vehicles, and 30-minute consultations; 25 CAA Dollars back on airline bookings.
CAA Premier | CAA Premier RV: no service fees
Conditions apply. For full details of service fees, please contact a travel counsellor. Note that you can also earn CAA Dollars back when purchasing selected products, including explore trips.
Trip interruption protection
You are entitled to compensation if you have to interrupt your trip in Canada or the U.S. due to a problem with your vehicle, whether it is a car, motorcycle, or recreational vehicle (snowmobiles, quads, and bicycles are not covered by this protection).
You can claim expenses for accommodations and meals (if the breakdown lasts more than 24 hours) or transportation to reach your destination or return home. The table lists the situations covered and the maximum amounts that you can claim (one claim per year of membership and per family member).
Coverage in the event of mechanical breakdown
CAA Classic | CAA Go: Not applicable
CAA Plus | CAA Plus RV: Up to $200
CAA Premier | CAA Premier RV: Up to $200, or up to $400 if the incident occurs further than 320km from your home
Coverage in the event of fire, theft or accident
CAA Go: Not applicable
CAA Classic: Up to $500
CAA Plus | CAA Plus RV: Up to $800
CAA Premier | CAA Premier RV: Up to $800, or up to $1500 if the incident occurs further than 320km from your home
Eligibility requirements:
The incident must take place further than 160km from your primary residence (CAA Premier and CAA Premier RV members are entitled to more compensation if the incident occurs more than 320km from their residence).
You must be underway (not yet at your destination).
The vehicle must be unusable.
Your claim must be received by CAA-Quebec within 30 days of the incident.
Learn more about trip interruption protection and the procedure
Allowance for return of vehicle
Forced to interrupt your road trip due to illness or injury?
If you are a CAA Premier® or CAA Premier® RV member and are forced to interrupt your trip due to unforeseen injury or illness, which requires you to have your vehicle towed or returned home, you are entitled to a reimbursement of up to $500. Only the towing and transportation of the vehicle are covered.
Eligibility conditions:
This coverage is exclusive to CAA Premier® and CAA Premier® RV members.
The member must be underway (not yet at their destination).
The location where the event takes place must be more than 160km from the member’s primary residence.
The claim must be received to CAA‑Quebec within 30 days of the event.
Only one request may be submitted per vehicle, per event, per membership year and per family.
Required supporting documents:
Original, itemized invoices for towing or transporting the vehicle and medical evidence must be provided upon filing the claim. For full details, please contact CAA-Quebec’s Service des remboursements (Reimbursement Service).
Other benefits to discover
All the benefits at a glance

Curious about all the benefits offered by the different cards? Take a look at our comparison chart.
In the Member’s Handbook
Information on membership
Payment, renewal, reimbursement, member file, etc.
Roadside Assistance services
Services offered, eligible vehicles, conditions, etc.
Home, mobility and travel benefits
Travel agency fees, residential lockout service, etc.
Code of Conduct and other information
Privacy, communications, etc.
Download or print the guide
Full text of the handbook in PDF format.
Notes and conditions
Handbook last updated: March 2025
CAA-Quebec and its partners reserve the right to modify or terminate the services and benefits at any time, in whole or in part, without prior notice. All amounts mentioned in this Handbook are in Canadian currency.
®: CAA and its emblem, the CAA Plus and CAA Premier emblems, as well as Approved Automobile Repair Services (AARS) and their emblems are registered trademarks of the Canadian Automobile Association, used by permission.