Supervising and evaluating School Safety Patrollers

For children’s safety
Supervising School Safety Patrollers
Don’t leave your students to fend for themselves! Check in with them all year to make sure they’re comfortable and effective in their roles. Encourage them and visit them at their watch posts to make sure they’re following:
Their schedule (on duty at the right time?)
Safety rules
Signalization gestures
Shoulder belt use
Safety Patroller evaluation form
See a sample Safety Patroller evaluation form in the Patrol Chief Toolkit.
Organizing training activities
Hold regular meetings with your patrollers. Make them something to look forward to: serve ice cream or put out bowls of popcorn or chips. Being part of the School Safety Patrol is fun!
Keep them informed about events of interest to the patrol or their duties (patrol members leaving, roadworks around the school, etc.).
Encourage them to share their personal experiences (the good, the bad, and the entertaining).
Encourage them.
Invite community members to speak to them about safety: police officers, educators, etc.
Creating a sense of belonging in the School Safety Patrol
Special activities are a great way to keep the troops’ spirits up! Organize a picnic, go see a show, attend a cultural or sporting event, hold a draw, etc. These are all great ways to keep your School Safety Patrollers motivated.
The end of the school year is the perfect time to recognize your patrollers for all their hard work and thank those who are moving on. You could organize a short ceremony or plan a lunch paid for by the school … the options are limitless! Plan a few weeks in advance and order free certificates to hand out to each patroller (you can also download them free of charge from the Toolkit). Students take pride in being recognized with a certificate—it’s good for their self-esteem and helps increase their sense of belonging to the Safety Patrol.
Samples of classroom activities
See samples of classroom activities in the Patrol Chief Toolkit.
Ready to join the great and supportive CAA-Quebec School Safety Patrol community? Register your school today!